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Patient Notice

We have introduced a simple way to submit Administrative Requests 

Patients will no longer have to wait on phone or visit the practice for following Reasons:

If you are struggling to access this online service then give us a call on 0121 455 0542 and we can guide you through the service.

Service update

COVID-19 vaccinations: click here to book, cancel or change a COVID-19 vaccination appointment

Flu vaccinations: please contact reception if you are 65 and above, or 18-64 and have a long term condition or pregnant (to check to see if eligible please see www.nhs.uk/flujab)

When we are closed, self care, out of hours, 111, 999 and A&E (accident and emergency) 

COVID helpful links

Coronavirus (COVID-19) see latest guidance:

COVID vaccinations

Masks are not required in practices but you may still wish to wear a mask particularly if you have respiratory symptoms